
Nigeria Scrabble Federation earlier this week on Sunday 8th and Monday 9th of May 2022 conducted trial tournaments to select a formidable team for the 2022 West Africa Scrabble Championships (WASC) (more…)

Mr Eta Karo also known in Nigeria Scrabble circuit as the Malaysian Prince emerged top of the pack at the NSF/Total selection tournament for the 2018 World Scrabble Championships and Alchemist International coming up later this year. The five-day trials and selection camp held at Port Harcourt, Rivers State, was sponsored by Total E&P Scrabble Club and facilitated by coaching crew of the Scrabble Federation.

Of the 22 invited players, 20 players eventually completed the 5-day series of 14 games tourneys. The winners of the series were Nsikak Etim (Day 1), Quickpen Ben (Day 2) and Eta Karo (Day 3, 4 and 5).  Karo, garnered a cumulative 49.5 points with a margin of +2361 points to lead the pack after 70 games. In second place was former African Champion Etim Nsikan with 46 points and +2807 margin while Mr Moses Peter had 44 points and +2204 margin to finish in third.

Cumulative Points Table (after 70 games)

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